Phyzell - Pre Alpha 2 Video

Hi there!

We're very excited with the improvements that Phyzell had over the past couple of weeks. You can watch a gameplay video (here in HD) of the the second pre alpha version (yes, that's what we're calling it).

Just a quick reminder of the techniques we're using in this game:
- Deferred Shading
- Deferred Shadow Maps
- HDR - High Dynamic Range Rendering
- Distortion effect for camouflage
- Particle system for the blackhole graphical representation
- Everything running on a custom made engine that is using PhysX.NET and XNA.

Please, share your thoughts and critics.

Deferred Shading With Shadow Maps Sample

Hi again,

I know that this is probably the most antecipated post of this new blog, so check it out=D

Please read README.txt and help us to improve this sample. This uses a very very high resolution shadow map (2048x2048) to obtain excelent results. PCF is nice to handle with aliasing problem of shadow maps, so turn it on (1-4 or G key).

Use WASD to move and press the left mouse button to rotate camera and T to enable/disable shadows.

My work here was very simple, so look at CombineEffect.fx to see how the mix between deferred shading and shadow map is made.

The guys who really did the hard work were:

Deferred Shadow Maps in XNA By Matt Pettineo (

Deferred Shading in XNA - Implementing a deferred renderer in XNA GS 2.0 by Catalin Zima



Phyzell - Effects Presentation

Today we gave a presentation in which we talked about some of the techniques and special effects that we're implementing for Phyzell, including Deferred Shading and Deferred Shadow Maps.

You can check out the slides and watch the following videos.

Deferred Shading and Shadow Mapping


Today we got shadow mapping working on our sand box :D

We based our efforts on two tutorials:

Deferred Shadow Maps in XNA By Matt Pettineo (

Deferred Shading in XNA - Implementing a deferred renderer in XNA GS 2.0 by Catalin Zima

Here's a glimpse at our results:

If you are having problems achieving this, send us a mail or comment this post:D
