Console Component Updated

Hello again,

to give some life to blog, I'm posting the latest version of the console component. We've made some modifications for Phyzell and now we give you the updated component.

Initial Console credits go to: Kevin Jurkowski

Change Log:

- System Rewritten now commands are added dynamically via Action Delegates.
- Added Support for numeric keys, minus and comma
- Added Support for help messages
- Added a WriteLine method to write in console, even in command action

- XNA 3.0 Support *
- Console fits to Window Resize Events

Stay tuned for the next posts!

Holidays and a simple new tool

No we are not going to let the blog die!

We are on school holidays and we are starting to work on our master theses. But in few weeks we will start developing a new game. Once again we will share all the milestones and hopefully release some more samples. =D

However you can take a look at this project: It's a simple tool that we mostly developed for Phyzell which allows to create PhysX meshes from XNA models. It will be expanded if we get feedback from anyone who wants to use it. Please stay tuned for future developments.
